The annual anthology collects outstanding pieces of attendants of WCP. There is a $50 USD fee for those who want to publish their poems & an additional charge of $50 USD to get the hard copy of the anthology which will be published in the opening ceremony.

The submission period opens on April 1st and closes on August 15th, 2025.

There will not be any extension… Free theme or “Sun of poetry, verse and light” is optional.

Please note that off limit submission will not be published. We will ask you to select which part you would like to keep.

Except for the photo, all the information required must be sent in word document; PDF files will not be accepted.

The word document must contain the pseudonym, name and brief introduction of the poet, titles of the poem and email.

Enclosures required:

  • Passport sized photo in HD resolution

  • A brief 75-word biography. Cut- out biographies will not be accepted.

  • Word document containing the poem, title, theme, name and email

Send them by email to: and a copy to: | Attention: Patricia Garza